Just "talked" to an old friend of mine on FaceBook about this, so I thought I'd expound upon my trying to get healthy for the New Year. Last week, while shopping at Target, I happened upon that tiny little section in Electronics for those of us wanting to get healthy, improve our self image, or much like myself, tone up for the upcoming season in The Hamptons. :-) Ah yes, the infamous DVD Workout Section. After perusing a plethora of titles, I chose to go with Valerie Bertinelli's "Losing It & Keeping Fit" DVD (endorsed by your friend & mine Jenny Craig). Why?? Not really sure, but Valerie looked so cute on the cover and promised to make me "bikini ready", so I was in. Jillian Michaels (The Biggest Loser) on the other hand, looked like she was totally ready to kick my butt , almost to the point where I was talking her down in the store. You know like "yeah, you WISH you looked this good after raising two kids biotch!" Relax, I'm pretty sure nobody heard me.
I'll admit that it was 3 or 4 days after the purchase of Valerie's DVD that I finally decided to get with the program and kick it into high gear. So I got up extra early (which for me, being a night owl is somewhere between the end of GMA & the beginning of Regis & Kelly) prepared to take on anything that cute, little Valerie Bertinelli had to throw at me. I somehow managed to get the DVD unwrapped from the annoying packaging (I mean do they want us to actually use this product or not? ) & then it happened. DVD in hand, me in a very chic, cute but understated workout outfit making a beeline for the DVD player to insert the DVD and yeah, my world came crashing down harder than Baloon Boy's balloon on a fake reality show . Somewhere between my beautiful daughter Whitney & my gorgeous son Jake moving out of my home, the DVD player had decided it was time to leave the nest as well. Who has it?? Not sure, nor do I care, because today I marched myself back into that Target store, dressed like I was in search of a DVD player on which to play an exercise video, and I bought a new DVD player. YAY!!!
So, you ask, how's the workout going? Well, needless to say, after all of that drama and hype, I decided to savor a good glass of cabernet or two before I begin my grueling workout regimen. I actually think that I look tolerable just the way I am, but my scale seems to have a very different opinion. Hmmm...let's take a poll. Guys, do you like your woman toned & fit, or is a little extra baggage o.k.? Are we women too hard on ourselves or should we try harder? Your call!
Stay tuned Peeps & always remember to BELIEVE~~~~!!!!
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