Did you know the average person gains 7 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years? Don't worry though; Xyngular's fantastic Nutritional Product Guru Jim Ayres has put together a list of tips to help you survive the holidays!
Holiday Eating Tips from Jim Ayres
1. Turkey Dinner ~ When you cook your turkey, you can still achieve that juicy cut you love without deep fat frying your turkey. Oven bake your bird and rather than using a cube of butter inside, cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice inside, drizzle a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, insert a few stems of fresh rosemary, and cook the turkey with the lemons inside the cavity. You will deliver a healthy bird for all to enjoy. Remember: The darker the meat, the more fat it contains. If you love dark meat you can still enjoy it, just less of it. If you have 4-6 oz of meat on your plate, keep the dark meat to a couple ounces. Oh, and don't forget to remove the skin before eating!
2. Replace Gravy with Cranberry Sauce and Hold the Stuffing - Have you ever tried spreading a little cranberry sauce on your meat rather than drizzling gravy all over it? It's delicious. There are many benefits to cranberries including supporting kidney health and defense against UTI (Uterine Tract Infection) and I don't know of any health benefits associated with gravy. I can say the same for stuffing. Not much benefit other than the small bits of celery inside. If you just can't live without gravy or stuffing, don't overdo it and use our patent pending product CHEAT! (when sprinkled on food it reduces calories by 25%) BRILLIANT!!!!!
3. Sweet Potatoes are"sweet" enough - There is a reason they are called "Sweet Potatoes" There is no need to add marshmallows to make them Yams. Try your sweet potatoes with a little sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg (excellent for cholesterol and blood sugar regulation). You will love it and so will your body!
4. Make a Mixed Green Salad a Part of your Holiday Spread - I've been to several holiday meals and one guest that is often never invited is a Mixed Green Salad. There are many benefits to adding a fresh salad to your plate: 1) it takes up room on your plate; 2) it takes up room in your stomach and will help satisfy your holiday hunger more quickly; and 3) the darker the greens the more mineral dense it will be. Give yourself a rich nutrient source while filling up your stomach and plate. Please do not ruin this tip by using any other salad dressing than vinegar and oil or just vinegar. Give your salad a bath in blue cheese, ranch, or creamy anything and you will pile on the calories and fat grams. For added flavor try mixing in other fresh ingredients like cucumber, a little avocado, raw walnuts, and olives.
5. Rolls = 'Rolls' - if you go "roll crazy " it could add some rolls to your midsection. Everything in moderation. You can have a small roll about half the size of your fist (whole grain, squaw or wheat is preferred) but try to hold the butter. If you just can't say no to butter, use it sparingly and USE YOUR CHEAT!
6. Mashed Potatoes - Mix it up this year and try to mash sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are much lower on the glycemic index than white potatoes; however, both are a starch so if you eat late in the day keep a mole hill, not a mountain, on your plate.
7. Dessert -If you were good with your dinner, enjoy some dessert in moderation. Take small bites and savor. Keep it to one small serving and do not add whipped cream (or Cool Whip®) but do add CHEAT! As an alternative to Grandmother's pumpkin pie, here are some healthy dessert ideas:
• Global Blend Pops - Mix 2 XypStix in approximately 16 oz of water. Fill a Popsicle freezer tray set (sold at most mass market retailers) with the mixture and freeze. You will have a delicious and nutritious frozen treat to share.
• LEAN Pudding -You can pick either chocolate or vanilla pudding mix. I recommend Jell-O® brand Fat Free and Sugar Free mix. For every 2 servings in the mix, add 1 scoop of LEAN (most mixes serve 6 per box, so that’s 3 scoops of LEAN). Use skim milk and follow the recipe. It’s delicious! If you use vanilla, dress it up with some fresh berries and enjoy.
• CHEAT Cookies - With any of your cookie mix, add 2 tablespoons of CHEAT to your batter and use 10% more liquid (i.e. milk) to your recipe. Roll, cut and bake your cookies with CHEAT inside. The fiber will hydrate in the mix, and then dehydrate in the oven; but, it will re-hydrate in your stomach with liquid and will fill you up more quickly and trap and eliminate some of the calories!
8. Walk it off - Depending on where you are in the world for the Holidays, try to take a nice stroll with friends and family to walk off some of those calories. Take an Accelerate or XYNG your way down the sidewalk.
9. Eat, Drink and be Merry - What's your favorite holiday libation? Wine, beer, brandy? There is a lot of sugar in alcohol, but some drinks are lower in carbohydrate than others.
• Wine - Red wine has much less sugar than white wine. If white is your preference, the dryer the wine, the less sugar. Reislings, Muscats, and Roses will have the highest amount of sugar.
• Beer -There’s really no healthy option here so just try to limit it to one.
• "XYNGTINI" - Try mixing a XypStix in a martini shaker with your favorite Vodka (Vodka is very low in carbohydrates). Shake with ice, squeeze a lime wedge, pour and enjoy! With all of the above, please drink responsibly.
Egg Nog -As they say, there's no"I" in "Team" but there is a big "NO" in "Egg NOg." Some varieties of Egg Nog can have up to 480 calories per cup! Add to that about 30 grams of saturated fat! It's just not worth it! Rather than finishing off your evening with Egg Nog and brandy, try a cup of tea and take Flush so you can "Flush" out some of that big meal the next day.
Now for the really good news! I'm pretty sure that come Christmas Day we'll all be eating the same delicious food mentioned above! Message me NOW to order your Core 4 products CHEAT~LEAN~ACCELERATE~GLOBAL BLEND~XYNG~& XYPSTICKS.
Believe me, you'll be the most popular family member ever when you show up with these in your goody bag!! Your family will thank you and everyone will enjoy a much happier healthier holiday meal!
and finally, just so you can all remember what XYNGULAR'S amazing products have done for me in the past 4 months or so, I give you my Before & After pictures!!!

This Blonde Blogger is wishing each and every one of you a blessed, safe and healthy Turkey Day. Give thanks, celebrate with the ones you love, and always remember to BELIEVE!!~~
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