As many of you know, I recently lost over 30 pounds. I can't tell you how many people have remarked or commented that I must be eating "rabbit food"! While I do try and eat healthier now, I still have my indulgences. Xyngular has an awesome product called CHEAT. Cheat is the world's first sprinkle that eliminates 25% of calories eaten! It's clinically proven to reduce weight, and is both tasteless & effective. In a clinical study, participants lost an average of 8 pounds in 30 days without changing their diet! (Individual results my vary). CHEAT is one of the products in our amazing Core 4 weight loss line. These products have changed my life. People all over the world are experiencing the same success as I've had. Message me and I'll be happy to give you a free consultation and a FREE sample of Xyng, our all natural appetite suppressant that I like to call a "party in a pill"!

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