Good evening my peeps, just savoring the craziness of those Real Housewives of Orange County. :-) It does a real woman good to watch that show.....you walk away feeling sooooo "normal!!" Anyway, let's begin class, shall we?
Increasingly unlikable, evil Tamra meets new housewife Alexis for an oh so casual game of, "you're gonna kick my butt girl, no you're SO gonna kick MY butt girl", game of tennis. They both suck. Cut to shot of them trash-talking about Gretchen. Tamra declares that she will NOT go to Gretchen's Stepford Wife Tupperware Party. OMG..I throw those parties ALOT and let me just say, you shun me on one of my parties girl, and I WILL trash talk you while playing tennis with one of my other girls, girl!!! Got it??? Good!! Keep reading!
Next comes the "Kooky" themed, very boring, somewhat predictable Tupperware party. About to snooze and then, YAY!!! new (extremely insecure) housewife Alexis has a little too much tequila and concocts a story that another woman is after her ICKY husband. O.K., let me just say, the woman that she accuses of going after her hubby is probably the sweetest, most innocent woman on the planet (next to my sister Beth). If you know Beth, enough said! lol Fast forward to the end of said stupid Tupperware party, when some random, cute wallflower chic with a rockin' red headband sitting on the couch shouts out, "Her husband is not even attractive, who would be hitting on him?" PRICELESS!!!!! Something that I would have totally said!!! Drinks on me!!!
On to VickieLand! I must say, she has never been my favorite, but tonight she really showed her true colors. She called her employees in and thanked them for all of their hard work. Then she proceeded to tell them that, (OMG, I need a moment) because of their hard work, she was giving them a day of spray tans and Botox!!! (Bosses all over the world, take note!) Go ahead and laugh, but last time I checked, she's a very successful woman, living in a very beautiful home, driving a very gorgeous car, running a very successful company complete with HEALTH BENEFITS (Spray tans & Botox)...I'm just sayin....Hate to end VickieLand on a down note, but was it just me, or did her cute little son look like Willy Wonka entering the Chocolate Factory when he and his friends went to gamble in Vegas? To paraphrase, he said something like "Insurance is definitely not exciting as poker." He's a sweet kid, but Vickie, from one mom to another, you might want to keep an eye on that!
Let's end quickly (because I have no patience, and they make me CRAZY) with sweet Lynne and her hubby Frank. They just can't get why their youngest daughter is giving them so much trouble. Note to self guys: maybe if you take a minute and come out of your self-induced drug hazed fog of the 70's, you'll figure out that all your daughter wants is for you to be her parents, not her friends. Set boundries. Enforce them. She is practically BEGGING you to do so. Instead they call in Vanessa, the "Youthologist" to help them figure it out. Only in L.A.
Oh well guys...that's all I got! Off to two meetings manana.....I love Fridays and I Love my peeps!!!
Always Remember to BELIEVE!!~~~~~~
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