Trying to get all of my ducks in a row. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. This economy has thrown many of us for a proverbial loop, but I am determined to keep on keepin' on! There are so many people who are far worse off than I am, and the last time I checked I've got lots of talent and am blessed to have a wonderful family and good, true friends. So I'll do a little Interior Design, then I write a Funny Blog, then I'll sell some Bad Ass Jewelry and maybe then, I'll count my blessings. :-)
Not to change the subject, but today I had to have the Roto Rooter man come and clean out my main drain (to the house!) LMAO! He informed me that the #1 BEST toilet paper to use is Scott's brand. He says they've done tests and the other leading brands just don't dissolve as well. Who knew? Just thought I'd pass along this tidbit of wisdom. A girl's gotta do!
Can't wait for tonight's episode of the Bachelor "The Women Tell All". Like I said there are A LOT of women who are far worse off then I am! ;-)
Off to whip up some whole wheat fettucine in a cabernet reduction with shrimp & pine nuts. Hmmm..just wondering what wine to pair with it! Decisions, decisions!
BELIEVE~~~~~ my peeps, and look for my Bachelor blog later tonight!
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