Just watched a special on "The Daily 10" about Tiger, and I'm going to officially go on the record as saying I'm not buyin' his apology. Watching him yesterday I don't know why, but I actually found myself feeling sorry for him. Hey, it was gloomy and cloudy here in Houston and I guess I was feeling a little down, and obviously a little way too compassionate! Thanks to the folks over @ E! who chronicled the entire fiasco from start to finish, as well as reminded us of other celebrities and their lame ass "apologies", I have come back to my senses!! From his shabby, poor me wardrobe, to his robotic attempts at fumbling through an apology, its pretty clear that this guy is just in it for the image control and the sponsors. I mean look at the picture folks, generally if someone is really sorry you'll see a tear or two! He's trying to seem sincere, but you know what they say, " a picture is worth a thousand words"! A big tip of the hat to the fabulous Patti Stanger (The Millionaire Matchmaker) who saw right through his babbling, and was one of the first to call Tiger out yesterday on Twitter! BUSTED!!!

Also saw a poll on who you think should be the next Bachelorette if they picked her today!
Here my peeps, are your results:
Ali 37%
Vienna 3.3% No, it's not a typo! You hate her, you really
do hate her! LMAO!
Tenley 21.2%
Gia 17.0%
Can't wait to see the claws come out on Monday night's "The Women Tell All" special. Saw a preview and some of the ladies are still actually pining over (and crying over) our pilot "dateless" Jakie! Really????? C'mon ladies, let's muster up some self respect and get on with your lives here in the real world! Guess it really is harder to hook a man when you're not whisked off to an exotic Island, or spending the night in a Tuscan Castle! I'm just sayin'...
Happy Saturday to everyone....anything can happen if you just BELIEVE~~~~~
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