Was just wondering how Jesse James' rehabilitation for Restless Groin Syndrome (RGS) is going. LMAO!!! He's actually checked himself into the same facility that now reformed (uh huh) pro golfer Tiger (give it to me baby) Woods is a graduate of!
Yes, America, you heard it right. Apparently for a mere $60,000 and 45 days of treatment, you too can boink as many skanks as you want, get caught, and publicly repent.

Well never let it be said that I am a judgemental Blonde Blogger! In a strong show of support for these victims, I have decided to buy a Tiger Mask to bring awareness to all of the self-proclaimed Sex Addicts like Tiger & Jesse. Won't you join my cause?
I mean seriously though, in their defense, who can blame them? Just look at the lackluster homebodies they had to come home to every night! Pathetic!!! I'm just sayin'.....

Even when it seems utterly impossible, you gotta remember to BELIEVE!!~~~
Haaaaaaaa!!! That's funny as hell, on all points. RGS, is that for real, lol! And especially on your recognition that these poor boys need to be shown some understanding considering how cheated they were in the wife dept...Two intelligent, gorgeous women! I mean, damn, did these guys even stop to look at their wives.
actually...i think i have restless groin syndrom...
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