The year was 1994; Whitney had just turned 7 and her little brother Jake was the ripe old age of 4. This was the very first song that came on the radio while I was driving that I actually forbid them to listen to. The minute it came on I quickly changed the channel and said something like "what's the world coming to?" Needless to say, this only made them want to hear it more. In fact I can remember catching them more than once, listening quietly to it in their playroom on Whitney's little pink Barbie boombox. Jake even knew most of the words and would sing them... with!
I remember feeling like such a failure as a mother, wondering how they were going to turn out if I couldn't stop them from listening to music like this!! Today Whitney's taste in music is very eclectic. She is a very successful Color Specialist with a growing clientele, about to married to the man of her dreams. Jake will graduate from Media Tech Austin in December where he is studying to manage artists in the music industry. He even has a mentor who says he has a very promising career.

So I guess in the end, maybe it's not so much the actual music or t.v. shows that we allow or don't allow our children to listen to or watch. It's just showing them that you're at least making the effort to safeguard their well being. I'm reminded of a quote form Wilfred A. Peterson that says "Our children are watching us live, and what we are shouts louder than anything we can say". I guess when it comes to parenting, you've just got to do your very best, hope for a little divine intervention, and always remember to BELIEVE!!~~
And now, ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu I give you the 90's sensation, Boy's II Men.
Don't tell my kids, but I've always LOVED this song!!
1 comment:
So cute!
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