Tomorrow I'll attempt to tackle the dreaded garage! You know the one where I used to park my car? Uh huh, that is until Miss Whitney moved all her stuff back home a few months ago. Now that she's engaged and envisioning her new life, it seems that she has no use for any of her "old" stuff. In fact, last week she peeked into the garage and announced that I had become a "hoarder"!! Good to know! Like I said, I will attempt to tackle the garage, via a half-hearted garage sale. Somehow I know that I will be giving lots of stuff away, to anyone that takes the time to pull up to my house, get out of the car and engage in a conversation with me! I'm all about keepin' it simple and working on getting past my hoarding tendencies! :-)
Now, I'm off to bed with two adorable dogs (Honey & Coco) in tow! I look over to where they are both dozing, & notice that they each have a various assortment of toys and treats strewn around their feet. As I turn out the lights and rouse them from their sleep, I make a mental note; I'm really going to have to have a talk with them tomorrow about their hoarding....and off to bed we go!!!

Here's hoping you took the time today to appreciate someone or something (Honey & Coco), and that your weekend is full of hope & promise! As always, make it a habit to BELIEVE!!~~
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