Today is the first day of school for many of my friend's kids. Their postings on FaceBook of their kids heading off to start the school year brought back so many great memories. It seems like just yesterday that I was excitedly taking pictures of my two...always one together and always one with their new teacher. And speaking of teachers, let me give a big shout out to each and every teacher that had a hand in helping me raise two of the most genuine, loving, socially conscious kids on the planet! As a single mother, I needed and appreciated all the help I could get!

For those of you lucky enough to still have smaller children, a few words of wisdom from one mommy who wishes she still did:
~Frame Their Art & Hang It on the Wall
~Delight in Silliness
~Keep Messes & Mistakes in Perspective
~Play Hooky Together
~Show Them Compassion and Ask For Theirs
~Cherish their Innocence
~Enjoy Dinner Together
~Read Books Aloud
~Lighten Up!
~Honor Their Differences
~Build Lots of Blanket Forts
~Laugh, Dance & Sing Together
and finally...BELIEVE in the possibilites of what they will achieve and who they will become!
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