Corrie admits to Jake that she's a virgin, and his face lights up like the sky on the 4th of July!!
O.K., let's start at the beginning. The 5 remaining girls arrive in San Francisco which is the end of their "road trip". They get to stay @ the fabulous Intercontinental Hotel and the suite is beautiful and spacious, and Vienna says "as much as I love roughing it, its good to be here". Yea right...we girls just LOVE roughing it Vienna.

In comes Jake who hands the date card to Tenley and of course says "don't open it until I'm gone". All 5 girls in unison say, O.K. JAAAKE!!!!!!! Tenley opens it up and OMG!! it's for her! Is anybody seeing a pattern here? Anyway, this will be their very first one on one and she is so nervous that she actually breaks out into a sweat. Close up on Vienna who is biting her nails and flashing her red eyes of fire at sweet Tenley. Oops, quick, look at Ali, she looks just like Rachael McAdams did in Mean Girls.... I mean I really liked Ali at first, and for the most part still do, but she can be pretty catty...I'm just sayin...
So Jake and Tenley go to explore San Francisco. They have a real chemistry and actually, she really is starting to seem the most well-suited to Jake. Last week I kind of thought she might be hiding something, but not so sure anymore. I mean she really just might be THAT sweet. Jake even said that he could really envision her as his wife (just hope he can put up with all of her "baby talking", I read somewhere that it played a big part in her divorce). LMAO jk They wrote their own fortunes in Chinatown and then opened them up at dinner and OMG, cue up the "On the Wings of Love" soundtrack, they both wrote KISS ME!!!! Ahhhh.... I just love The Bachelor, it really just mimics dates that we everyday people go on.
Next up, the date card comes for the "two on one" date. Ali says she'll die if her name is on it, because she's from San Francisco and she wants to show Jake her city alone. Sweet, quiet (now we know virginal) Corrie opens it and says its for Ali & Vienna!!! WTF??? Ali says she feels like she's gonna throw up and Vienna looks pissed. Then all of a sudden Corrie screams out "Just Kidding" and dies laughing. Pretty funny stuff! Actually, the date will include Gia and Vienna.
Bring on the two woman date! Gia is so insecure and Vienna is uber psycho confident. They arrive at the (Twelve Century Tuscan) Castle vineyard....again, just another normal date, no big deal. Vienna sees Jake standing at the top of the Castle stairs, and says "he's her prince and she's her Dad's princess, (CREEPY) and she'll be Jake's queen". Ewww....I feel dirty... lol Vienna decides to "act like Gia just isn't there" and also decides to throw Ali under the bus while she's at it. She fakes a tear or two and all this is done in front of poor, already insecure Gia. Vienna says out loud to Jake and Gia, "I'm just gonna think in my mind, "that's o.k. he's mine and that's it". Wow, so powerful. Anyway, Jake asks to take Gia outside and Vienna gets pissed. Gia smiles at her and says "you can eat my salmon".... WTF??? Anyway, Jake proceeds to make Gia feel more secure by sucking face with her for at least 8-9 t.v. minutes. Meanwhile, Crazy Vienna is walking through the castle with a frickin' lantern calling out for Jake. Jake and Gia still sucking face....Vienna is now lost in the castle and she's really scared (please! look behind you Vienna, there's a whole frickin' camera crew!) laughing their asses off at u! Anyway, next Vienna and Jake spend time together and it seems a little forced. He tells both women goodnight and heads down to his bedroom where he takes off his shirt and we finally get to see his ripped pilot abs. Vienna decides to go down to Jake's bedroom with some wine and tell Jake goodnight. Jake says "she looks sexy as hell" and admits he "did have dirty thoughts" ewwww...AWKWARD!!!! He wisely sends her back upstairs.
Next date is with Corrie. The entire date is really lackluster. To begin with, she DOES get a real live normal date. He takes her for a frickin' picnic on a canoe. How romantic! Not! They have zero chemistry and neither one is making the effort to kiss each other. At dinner that night Jake gets her to open up and viola, she admits she's saving herself for marriage. Jake gets a grin from ear to ear and says he really respects her and proceeds to start the face sucking with her too! Really?????
Last date is with Ali and she is sooo over the top excited that it is almost uncomfortable. Jake seems to like her but she definitely seems to like him just a little more. She shows him around San Francisco and they end up making out with her on top of him in the park (aww..so sweet) and finally end the date at the bay . They pop champagne, trade a few pecks and then, Jake suggests that they both go jump in the water!! They do, and Ali says she will remember it forever (probably because she just ruined a very cool, very expensive) pair of boots. That crazy Jake!!! So spontaneous!!!
Rose Ceremony...Jake talks to all of the girls and leaves Vienna for last. Surely he's figured out what a complete nut job she is and will not give her a rose. But Wait!!! He comes in and says he feels bad for sending her away at the castle so he takes her to see his hotel room. He confesses he really likes her and you know the rest...suck face for the cameras.
When its all said and done, he lets Corrie go. Sad 'cuz she really is sweet but someone had to go. I thought it was ironic how she and Tenley were being so boistrous and silly at the end clip of the show. Maybe if Jake got to see that side of her he would've kept her around.
Oh well, home town dates next week look yummy. Vienna's dad looks like he was an original cast member from "Deliverance". Gia's mom, ooh, now she looks like trouble, you know what I'm sayin? lol
I'm baby sitiing Whitney's new puppy BooBoo, an 8 week old Morkie (25% maltese & 75% Yorkie). He is sooo cute but he is a boy and he wants to play a lot, so off I go!
Watch for my Real Housewives blog tomorrow. Didn't get to it last week. 'Till then, be nice to each other and the ones you love, and always remember to BELIEVE~~~~~
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