Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bachelor Scandal

The new US Weekly out on stands now reports that our take on Bachelor contestant Vienna may be right on the money. Apparently, the unemployed 23 year old Hooters wacko (oops, I mean waitress) withdrew the last $5,000 from her ex- husband Josh Riley's bank account for breast implants, while he was stationed in Iraq.
To add salt to the wound, he says that when he returned from his tour of duty in Iraq (where he was injured in an explosion) our Vienna had "locked his belongings in storage and would not tell us where they were." Riley who was only married to Vienna for 10 months, also said that his then wife, "slept with one of my buddies I was deployed with, and I'm 99% sure she cheated on me." Not surprising that he adds "marrying her was a mistake."
O.K. didn't she cry to Jake in an earlier episode and say that she married a guy on the rebound and it was a mistake and they divorced? All clean and pretty, wrapped up in a bow so she and Jake could sail off into the sunset together, right? Hmmm...guess she forgot to include the above mentioned sordid little details. Oh well, I'm betting that Jake will figure it all out and the final Rose ceremony will come down to Ali and Tenley.
For more Bachelor news like who Tenley's ex hubby ran off with, and who regrets getting breast implants (Gia?), stay tuned.
More blog later..BELIEVE~~~

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